Οι καθηγητές του τμήματος μας δημοσιεύουν σε επιστημονικά περιοδικά υψηλού κύρους (AJG 3, 4, 4* and FT-50):
Research Policy |
4*FT-50 |
British Journal of Industrial Relations |
4 |
British Journal of Management |
4 |
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice |
4- FT-50 |
Journal of Economic Geography |
4 |
Journal of Management Studies |
4 FT-50 |
Regional Studies |
4 |
Social Science and Medicine |
4 |
Annals of Operations Research |
3 |
Business Strategy and the Environment |
3 |
Economics Letters |
3 |
Energy Economics |
3 |
Energy Journal |
3 |
Environment and Planning A |
3 |
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy |
3 |
Environmental and Resource Economics |
3 |
European Economic Review |
3 |
European Financial Management |
3 |
European Management Review |
3 |
Financial Analysts Journal |
3 |
Financial Review |
3 |
Health Economics (United Kingdom) |
3 |
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research |
3 |
International Journal of Forecasting |
3 |
International Journal of Industrial Organization |
3 |
International Review of Financial Analysis |
3 |
Journal of Banking and Finance |
3 |
Journal of Business Ethics |
3 FT-50 |
Journal of Business Research |
3 |
Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization |
3 |
Journal of Environmental Management |
3 |
Journal of Financial Econometrics |
3 |
Journal of Futures Markets |
3 |
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money |
3 |
Journal of Regional Science |
3 |
Journal of Rural Studies |
3 |
Journal of Technology Transfer |
3 |
Papers in Regional Science |
3 |
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting |
3 |
Small Business Economics |
3 |
Urban Studies |
3 |
AJG (a.k.a ABS) https://charteredabs.org/academic-journal-guide-2021/ FT-50 https://www.ft.com/content/3405a512-5cbb-11e1-8f1f-00144feabdc0 |
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